The Wildlife Refuge Guatuzos
28 February, 2018
San Juan de Nicaragua
7 January, 2022Indio Maiz Biological Reserve

Indio Maiz Biological Reserve is considered one of thebest preserved nature reserves in Nicaragua. It is located on the southeast corner of the country, bordering the San Juan River. The reserve comprises 3,180 km ² and is home to a wide variety of jungle animals. Among them there are hundreds of species of birds, including toucans, macaws, hummingbirdsand parrots. The area is also home to mammals such as deer, sloths, peccaries, pumas, jaguars, bales, foxes and even manatees, in addition to the three species of monkeys that live in the country (howler monkey, white facedand spider monkeys). You can also find poisonous frogs, snakes, crocodiles, turtles and iguanas. Although the reserve is a vast area, much of it can not beexplored, since the Ministry of Natural Resources (MARENA) does not allowpeople to enter most places. However, there are two areas where you can enter to enjoy the natural treasures that are hidden in this remote corner ofNicaragua.