San Carlos

El Castillo

San Juan de Nicaragua
According to its geography and culture each region produces various dishes, drinks or sweets that over the years become known throughout the country. Some cities still maintain the authorship of certain foods and specialize in them.
The diet of this municipality is based on the consumption of fish in different ways: roasted fish, fried fish, lagoon fish, fish fingers, Machaca fish sausage, Machaca croquettes, Mahueso soup, and fish soup with crab, among others.
Shrimp: garlic shrimp, breaded shrimp, shrimp ceviche, Robalo ceviche, mixed ceviche.
Different varieties of cheese and curd proper of the place:
Morolique Chees with chili and cream, cheese and curd with vegetables, fresh curds, smoked and dried.
Desserts or sweets: empanadas, plantain tartes, coconut bread, rice pudding, Coco Root Cake, coconut fudge with tamarind, Milk and Cocoa Fudge, Coyol in piñonate honey.
Drinks: coconut water, toad water, ginger with brown sugar, chicha de coyol, milk with carol, almond seed, pozol and tiste.